শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 TANHA AKTER ROLL WANDER WAHAB JUTE MILL, LABANCHARA, RUPSA, KHULNA. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Centre,Rupsa, Khulna
2 Raju helper Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
3 Md Jalal helper Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
4 POLY RELIEVER WAHAB JUTE MILL, LABANCHARA, RUPSA, KHULNA. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Centre,Rupsa, Khulna
5 Sheikh Russell helper Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
6 SUSHANTO DEV MECHANICAL OPERATOR WAHAB JUTE MILL, LABANCHARA, RUPSA, KHULNA. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Centre,Rupsa, Khulna
7 Md. Ali Operator Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
8 ANAMUL HAWLADER MECHANICAL OPERATOR WAHAB JUTE MILL, LABANCHARA, RUPSA, KHULNA. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Centre,Rupsa, Khulna
9 Md. Abul Kasem Operator Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
10 Md. Humayan Kabir Worker Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
11 Md. Jewel Fakir Worker Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
12 Md. Momin helper Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
13 MD. ABU BAKKER SIDDQUE Q T C WAHAB JUTE MILL, LABANCHARA, RUPSA, KHULNA. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Centre,Rupsa, Khulna
14 SHISHIR KUMAR BAIRAGI ASSIST. PRODUCTION OFFICER WAHAB JUTE MILL, LABANCHARA, RUPSA, KHULNA. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Centre,Rupsa, Khulna
15 SHARMIN AKTER IQF WORKER NATIONAL SEA FOODS IND. LTD. CHAR RUPUSA, BAGMARA, RUPSA, KHULNA. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Centre,Rupsa, Khulna