শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 Md. Asif Al Shahriar Associate Engineer NASA Group Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
2 SHISH MOHAMMAD RAFI WORKER INTERNATIONAL SHRIMPS EXPORT (PVT.) LTD. BAGMARA, RUPSA, KHULNA. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Centre,Rupsa, Khulna
3 Zayed Hossain Product Safety Officer NASA Group Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
4 Neshar Uddin Cutting Assistant NASA Group Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
5 Md. Atiqur Rahman Fire and Safety Officer NASA Group Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
6 Md. Zairul Islam Operator NASA Group Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
7 Salim Worker NASA Group Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
8 Abbas Uddin Tamim packing man Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
9 Shakur Ali helper Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
10 Md. nirob helper Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
11 Md. Jalil helper Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
12 Md Chana Ulyah helper Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
13 Rakib helper Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
14 Md Raihan Operator Nabisco Biscuit & Bread Factory Ltd Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
15 MD. NAZMUL KASAN GAZI HELPER WAHAB JUTE MILL, LABANCHARA, RUPSA, KHULNA. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Centre,Rupsa, Khulna