শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 Sumi Akter Operator Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
2 Mokaida Akter Poliman Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
3 Halima Begum Operator Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
4 Panna Akter Operator Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
5 Hosneara Operator Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
6 Khaleda Akter Operator Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
7 Rehana Akter Operator Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
8 Mohammad Nurul Alam Quality Inspector Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
9 Ruby Bishas Finishing Assistant Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
10 Champa Barua Quality Inspector Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
11 Jubyer Ahmed Foyez Ahmed Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Male worker Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
12 Miss. Shahana Khatun Quality Inspector Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
13 Md. Ismail Hossen Operator Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Male worker Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
14 Miss. Ayesha Helper Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram
15 Miss. Anu Akter Operator Fortune Apparels Ltd., Chattogram Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram