শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 AMANUR RAHMAN COMIS-1 HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
2 NAZRUL ISLAM DCDP HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
3 SHEKHAR SAMADDER SR. CDP HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
4 MD. FARHAD HOSSAIN EXECUTIVE HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
5 SHAHIN JAMADDER SECURITY GUARD HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
6 CUNNU MIA ASST. SECURITY SUPERVISOR HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
7 MD. OBAIDUR RAHMAN SECURITY SUPERVISOR HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
8 ABU SAYED EXECUTIVE HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
9 ARIFUR RAHMAN RAJU SR. EXECUTIVE HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
10 MD. YEANUR ASST. TECHNICIAN HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
11 MD. AL AMIN ELECTRICIAN HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
12 MD. FAZLUL KARIM SR. ENGINEEAR HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
13 SAJIB MOLLA BELLMAN HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
14 BUSHRA ISLAM TRAINEE HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
15 SAJEDUL HASAN ABIR SUPERVISOR HOTEL GRAND PARK BARISAL Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna