শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 Abu Nayem Arman General Electrician Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
2 Md. Shohid Ullah Personnel Officer Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
3 Md. Anowarul Kabir Store Incharge Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
4 Roksana Khatun Q.I Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Female worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
5 Tanjila akter Welfare Officer Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
6 Mukter Hossain general mechanic Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
7 Jillur Rahman Junior Executive Fire Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
8 Jannatul Ferdous Quality Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Female worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
9 Jotsna Begum Finishing assistant Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
10 Selina Akter Oparetor Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
11 Kazi Mojaharul Hoque Senior Personnel Officer Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
12 Md. Manik Jammadar Line Leder Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
13 Dr. Papiya Datta Medical Officer Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
14 Md. Jahangir Alom Quality Incharge Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram
15 Md. Noor Islam Junior Production Officer Clifton Cotton Mills Ltd. Kalurghat I/A, Chattogram. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kalurghat, Chattagram