প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য
Sl | Name Of Trainee | Designation | Name & Address of Establishment | Gender | Trainee type | Course name | Name of The Respective Labour Office | 1 | Saleh Ahammad | Torith-B | Power Grid Bangladesh PLC | Male | worker | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram | 2 | Md. Mostafa Sheikh | Lineman-C | Power Grid Bangladesh PLC | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram | 3 | Mst. Eti Khatun | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 4 | Kazi Md. Mejanuur Rohman | Lineman-C | Power Grid Bangladesh PLC | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram | 5 | Jashim Uddin | Lineman-C | Power Grid Bangladesh PLC | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram | 6 | Mst. Hasina Begom | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 7 | Mst. Aeia Khatun Akhie | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 8 | MSt. Shamoli Khatun | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 9 | Silviya Hembron | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Male | worker | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 10 | MD. Hazrat Ali | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Male | worker | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 11 | MD. Jahangir Alam | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 12 | MD. Hasinur Rhaman | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 13 | Mst. Shahana Khatun | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 14 | MD. Ribiul Islam | Worker | Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF), Paba, Rajshahi | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training | Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi | 15 | Md. Badiul Alam | Lineman-C | Power Grid Bangladesh PLC | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram |