শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 Md. Alamin Sikder Manager Multifabs Limited, Kashimpur,Gagipur. Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
2 Md Abu Shehab AGM Multifabs Limited, Kashimpur,Gagipur. Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
3 MUHAMMAD MUDHIBULLAH SENIOR OFFICER Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
4 DIPAK BISWAS ADUIT OFFICER Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
5 RASEDUL ISLAM TALUKDER FIRE MAN Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
6 JUEL HOWLADER FIRE MAN Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
7 SABRINA COMPUTER OPERATOR Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
8 LITON OPERATOR Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
9 MD. JAMAL SENIOR OPERATOR Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
10 MD. JEHID SENIOR OPERATOR Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
11 SYED AL-AMIN SENIOR OPERATOR Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
12 MD. RONI JUNIOR OPERATOR Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
13 MST. KAJOL VANU SENIOR OPERATOR Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
14 SUVASHIS OPERATOR Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
15 CHINU ROY ASSISTANT OPERATOR Premier Footwear Ltd., Bscik, Kawnia, Barisal. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna