শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 Md. Islam Hossain Executive Admin Nabil Group of Industries Ltd. Sopura, Rajshahi Male worker Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
2 Md. Khairul Islam Production Worker K N B Agro Industries Ltd. Bisik, kushta. Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
3 Md. Mostakim Store Officer Nabil Group of Industries Ltd. Sopura, Rajshahi Male worker Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
4 Md. Arif Hossain Foklif Driver (store Divition) K N B Agro Industries Ltd. Bisik, kushta. Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
5 Md. Abdulla All-Mamun Senior Officer (account) K N B Agro Industries Ltd. Bisik, kushta. Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
6 Md. MostoFa Zaman Store Officer Nabil Group of Industries Ltd. Sopura, Rajshahi Male worker Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
7 Md. Mizanur Rahman Assistant Officer (account) K N B Agro Industries Ltd. Bisik, kushta. Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
8 Md. Jahid Hasan Account Officer (Vat-tex) K N B Agro Industries Ltd. Bisik, kushta. Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
9 Md. Raihanul Islam Oparator Nabil Group of Industries Ltd. Sopura, Rajshahi Male worker Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
10 Md. Tariqul Islam Incharge K N B Agro Industries Ltd. Bisik, kushta. Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
11 Md. Sayemur Rahman Executive Nabil Group of Industries Ltd. Sopura, Rajshahi Male worker Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
12 MD. Rafiqul Hasan Assistant Manager (account) K N B Agro Industries Ltd. Bisik, kushta. Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
13 Md. Mofazzel Hossain Shohag Account Officer K N B Agro Industries Ltd. Bisik, kushta. Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
14 Md. Rokunuzzaman Methu Executive Admin Nabil Group of Industries Ltd. Sopura, Rajshahi Male worker Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
15 Md. Hafijuddin Bhuyan Releber Janata Jute Mills Limited, Ghorashal, Palash, Narsingdi Male Government Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Ghorashal