শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 Mst. Bilkis Ara Worker Rajshahi Mohila Hasta Shilpa Sramik League, Boalia, Rajshahi Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
2 Md. Monsur Ali Mechanical Helper woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
3 Md. Al-Amin Senior motor vander electric woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
4 Mst. Nasrin Begum Worker Rajshahi Mohila Hasta Shilpa Sramik League, Boalia, Rajshahi Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
5 Mostafizur Rahman ass: operator woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
6 Md. Giash Uddin Selim Operator 3 woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
7 Md. Ahsanul Alom Assistant Operator woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
8 Md. Shamim Ahmed Operator woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
9 Md. Akash Uddin helper woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
10 S.M Kamrul Hasan Operator woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
11 Md. Saddam Hossain Operator woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
12 Sree Chonchol kumer rajbongshi Operator woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
13 md: kyarul islam supervisor woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
14 md: tuhin ali helper woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia
15 md: hero islam helper woodland plywood and particle board mills limited Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Kushtia