শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 Md A: Hi Bhuiyan Worker Polar ice cream Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
2 Md. Omar Faruq Worker Polar ice cream Male Workers Representative Industrial Relations Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
3 Md. Lokman Hakim Worker Polar ice cream Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
4 Ahaduzzaman Assistant Operator Polar ice cream Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
5 mannan assistant Operator Polar ice cream Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center,Tajgon, Dhaka
6 Mrs:Azeda Khatun operator Syed Spinning and Cotton Mills Ltd., Sialkol, Sirajganj. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Sirajganj
7 Mrs:Monija Khatun operator Syed Spinning and Cotton Mills Ltd., Sialkol, Sirajganj Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Sirajganj
8 Md: Monirul Islam Duffer Syed Spinning and Cotton Mills Ltd., Sialkol, Sirajganj. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Sirajganj
9 Mrs: Jiasmin Khatun Learner Syed Spinning and Cotton Mills Ltd., Sialkol, Sirajganj. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Sirajganj
10 MD. HUMAUN KABIR CARETAKER-1 MAN BANGLADESH BANK, KHULNA Male worker Industrial Relations Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
11 MD. BARAK SIKDER SENIOR CARETAKER BANGLADESH BANK, KHULNA Male worker Industrial Relations Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
12 SK MASNUN RASHAD ASSISTANT DIRECTOR BANGLADESH BANK, KHULNA Male mgt Industrial Relations Training Course Industria Realations Institute,Khulna
13 Md. AL-Amin Sikder Sr. Executive Emon Fashion Ltd. J0ydevpur, Gazipur Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
14 Md. Abdul Kader Mia Executive - Payroll Emon Fashion Ltd. J0ydevpur, Gazipur Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
15 Md. Anwar Hossain Manager Emon Fashion Ltd. J0ydevpur, Gazipur Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur