শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 Momota Biswas Worker Bangladesh Labour Federation(BLF), Rajshahi District, Paba, Rajshahi Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
2 Most. Alo Khatun Worker Bangladesh Labour Federtion (B L F) , Rajshahi District. Paba, Rajshahi. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
3 Mohammad Mizanur Rahman Executive Crystal Martin Apparel Bangladesh Ltd. Valuka, Mymensingh Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
4 Krishna Rani Biswas Worker Bangladesh Labour Federation(BLF), Rajshahi District, Paba, Rajshahi Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
5 Md Asaduzzaman Executive Crystal Martin Apparel Bangladesh Ltd. Valuka, Mymensingh Male worker Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
6 Most. Rita Khatun Worker Bangladesh Labour Federtion (B L F) , Rajshahi District. Paba, Rajshahi. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
7 Mst. Beauty Akter Sr Operator Crystal Martin Apparel Bangladesh Ltd. Valuka, Mymensingh Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
8 Mst. Shahinoor Begum Worker Bangladesh Labour Federtion (B L F) , Rajshahi District. Paba, Rajshahi. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
9 Md Abdul wahed Executive Crystal Martin Apparel Bangladesh Ltd. Valuka, Mymensingh Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
10 Sheuly Executive Crystal Martin Apparel Bangladesh Ltd. Valuka, Mymensingh Female Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
11 Mst. Mala Begum Worker Bangladesh Labour Federtion (B L F) , Rajshahi District. Paba, Rajshahi. Female Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Rajshahi
12 Md. Mamun- or- Rashid Executive (HR) Crystal Martin Apparel Bangladesh Ltd. Valuka, Mymensingh Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
13 Anwar Hossain Hk. Supervisor Crystal Martin Apparel Bangladesh Ltd. Valuka, Mymensingh Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
14 Dr. Md. Alam Health Health Secretary Sirajganj Sadar Upazila Rickshaw Van - Rickshaw Workers Union, Chongagacha Bazar, Sirajganj। Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Sirajganj
15 Md. Alam Sheikh Executive Secretary Sirajganj Sadar Upazila Rickshaw Van - Rickshaw Workers Union, Chongagacha Bazar, Sirajganj। Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Sirajganj