শ্রম অধিদপ্তর

প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য

Sl Name Of Trainee Designation Name & Address of Establishment Gender Trainee type Course name Name of The Respective Labour Office
1 Sadhan Rakshit Senior Officer Rephco Fharmaceuticals Limited, Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
2 Akter Hamid Khan Deputy Production Manager Rephco Fharmaceuticals Limited, Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
3 Faruk Hawlader Worker Rephco pharmaceuticals Ltd. NatunBazar,Barisal. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
4 Bipul Chandra Das Worker Rephco pharmaceuticals Ltd. NatunBazar,Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
5 Sheikh Abid Worker Rephco pharmaceuticals Ltd. NatunBazar,Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
6 Moazzem Howlader Junior Service Engineer Rephco Fharmaceuticals Limited, Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
7 Abu Walid Senior Maintenance Officer Rephco Fharmaceuticals Limited, Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
8 Shomir Chakraborti Supervisar Rephco Fharmaceuticals Limited, Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
9 Md Yusuf Ali Howlader Assistant Manager Rephco Fharmaceuticals Limited, Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
10 Idrish Ali Howlader Manager WearHouse Rephco Fharmaceuticals Limited, Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
11 Moniruzzaman Manager Maintenance Rephco Fharmaceuticals Limited, Barisal. Male worker Worker Education Training Course Labour Welfare Center, Barisal
12 Umme Raihana Sharna Welfare Officer Friends Knittings Limited, Sreepur, Gazipur. Female Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
13 Md. Shakhawat Hossain Amdin Officer Friends Knittings Limited, Sreepur, Gazipur. Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
14 Md. Atikur Rahman House Keeping Supervisor Friends Knittings Limited, Sreepur, Gazipur. Male Workers Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur
15 Md.Parvas Ahamed Sr. Executive Friends Knittings Limited, Sreepur, Gazipur. Male Employer Representative Worker Education Training Course Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur