প্রদানকৃত সার্টিফিকেটের তথ্য
Sl | Name Of Trainee | Designation | Name & Address of Establishment | Gender | Trainee type | Course name | Name of The Respective Labour Office | 1 | MAHMUDA AKTER ANSARI | WELFARE OFFICER | FAKIR FASHION LTD. DOHORGAON, BALIAPARA, RUPGANJ, NARAYANGANJ | Male | Employer Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur | 2 | RIMA AKTHER | Drawing Tenter | Rangamati Textile Mills Ltd., Ghagra, Rangamati | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Labour Welfare Centre,Ghagra,Rangamati | 3 | SHIRIN AKTER | Drawing Tenter | Rangamati Textile Mills Ltd., Ghagra, Rangamati | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Labour Welfare Centre,Ghagra,Rangamati | 4 | Tushar Ahmed | Tecnician (IT) | Chittagong Dry Dock Limited, Chattogram | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram | 5 | MD AL-HASAN ALI SUHAG | SENIOR OFFICER, HR | FAKIR FASHION LTD. DOHORGAON, BALIAPARA, RUPGANJ, NARAYANGANJ | Male | Employer Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur | 6 | SHARMIN AKTER | Winder | Rangamati Textile Mills Ltd., Ghagra, Rangamati | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Labour Welfare Centre,Ghagra,Rangamati | 7 | MUHAMMAD AMZAD HOSSAIN | SENIOR OFFICER, HR | FAKIR FASHION LTD. DOHORGAON, BALIAPARA, RUPGANJ, NARAYANGANJ | Male | Employer Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur | 8 | MD. GOLAM MOSTAFA KHAN | Drawing Tenter | Rangamati Textile Mills Ltd., Ghagra, Rangamati | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Labour Welfare Centre,Ghagra,Rangamati | 9 | MD UZZWAL HOSSAIN | SENIOR EXICUTIVE, IR | FAKIR FASHION LTD. DOHORGAON, BALIAPARA, RUPGANJ, NARAYANGANJ | Male | Employer Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Tongi, Gazipur | 10 | MST. RANU AKTER | Reeler | Rangamati Textile Mills Ltd., Ghagra, Rangamati | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Labour Welfare Centre,Ghagra,Rangamati | 11 | Azim Uddin | Senior Fiter | Chittagong Dry Dock Limited, Chattogram | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram | 12 | MD. FORHAD | Daphara | Rangamati Textile Mills Ltd., Ghagra, Rangamati | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Labour Welfare Centre,Ghagra,Rangamati | 13 | Ali Nur | Senior Master Technician | Chittagong Dry Dock Limited, Chattogram | Male | worker | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram | 14 | KORUNA CHAKMA | Reeler | Rangamati Textile Mills Ltd., Ghagra, Rangamati | Female | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Labour Welfare Centre,Ghagra,Rangamati | 15 | Md. Yeakub Ali | Master Welder | Chittagong Dry Dock Limited, Chattogram | Male | Workers Representative | Worker Education Training Course | Industrial Relations Institute, Chattogram |